De acuerdo con con el Ranking Annual publicado por The Economist Intelligence Unit, 2011, Vancouver sigue siguendo la ciudad más vivible del mundo. Esta ciudad consigue 98 de los 100 puntos que se fijan como tope. Detrás de ella se sitúan, Melbourne, Viena, Toronto, Calgary, Helsinki, Sydney, Perth (Australia), Adelaide (Australia) y Auckland (Nueva Zelanda).
Londres aparece en el puesto 53 y New York en el puesto 54.
El Ranking clasifica a 140 ciudades y tiene en cuenta cinco áreas: estabilidad, servicios médicos, cultura, educación e infraestructura.
Al final de la tabla aparecen Harare, la capital de Zimbabwe, en la posición 140.
VANCOUVER remains the most liveable city in the world, according to the latest annual ranking compiled by the Economist Intelligence Unit. After Vacouver the following cities are ranked in 10 top positions: Melbourne, Vienna, Toronto, Calgary, Helsinky, Sydney, Perth (Australia), Adelaide (Australia) and Auckland (New Zealand). London is 53rd and New York is 56th position.The ranking scores 140 cities within five areas: stability, health care, culture and environment, education, and infrastructure.
VANCOUVER remains the most liveable city in the world, according to the latest annual ranking compiled by the Economist Intelligence Unit. After Vacouver the following cities are ranked in 10 top positions: Melbourne, Vienna, Toronto, Calgary, Helsinky, Sydney, Perth (Australia), Adelaide (Australia) and Auckland (New Zealand). London is 53rd and New York is 56th position.The ranking scores 140 cities within five areas: stability, health care, culture and environment, education, and infrastructure.
At the other end of the ranking, Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe, is in 140th place.